Humanity from Town to Town
On tour around our communities
Humanity at Music is a project designed and promoted by MONDRAGON Corporation, though many institutions have joined in to support the cooperative project. The Basque and Navarrese governments, the governments of the three historical territories of Alava/Araba, Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia, and the most important towns in the Basque Country, especially the city of Arrasate-Mondragón. Humanity at Music is, at the same time, a shared project, open to all who have bonds with the cooperatives and who would like to participate.
The book, a treasure to save and to give
As Maite Mutuberria, the project’s illustrator, says, the book is like a treasure, to be read unhurriedly, to be kept forever. It brings together the past, present and future of the Basque cooperative movement, but above all, it’s an inspiring work of art. A book that belongs in the home of anyone who has experienced the cooperative movement from the inside.